Why These Sports Stars Couldn't Stay Married
Mar 03 2022
The world of professional athletics is one of intense physical demands, white hot media attention, and lots of money. It's no surprise, therefore, that some marital relationships involving sports stars don't end happily. Maybe it's a wonder that more unions don't fail! In any case, there are some athlete marriages that achieve incredible fame on their own, with the couples starring together on TV, in branding deals, and other ventures. When these relationships go bust, it's big news. Let's take a look at some of the biggest examples from the past few decades. This is why these sports stars couldn't stay married.

#Celebrities #Relationships #Sports

Tony Parker | 0:00

Chipper Jones | 2:03

Hank Baskett | 3:12

Shaquille O'Neal | 4:33

Andre Agassi | 5:38

Oscar De La Hoya | 6:54

Mike Comrie | 8:15

Carmelo Anthony | 9:26

Ashley Cole | 10:46

Lance Armstrong | 11:50

Ryan Giggs | 12:52

Jason Kidd | 14:07

Joe DiMaggio | 15:22

Chad Johnson | 16:46

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