The Chrisley Family Is More Tragic Than You Think
Mar 10 2022
Fans of “Chrisley Knows Best” are already familiar with the Chrisley family’s over-the-top show of wealth. Patriarch Todd Chrisley made a fortune in the Georgia real estate market before moving the family to Nashville, Tennessee, where the show takes place. The Chrisleys love luxury — from fancy cars to designer clothing, they seem to have it all.

Or do they? Appearances can be deceiving, and even though the Chrisleys look like the picture of privilege, they’ve also experienced a fair amount of darkness. Not every family is perfect, even if they seem that way on TV. Here’s how the Chrisley family is more tragic than you think.

#ChrisleyKnowsBest #RealityTV #RealityShow

Cancer diagnosis | 0:00

Hateful comments | 1:17

Scary stalker | 2:37

Kyle's loss | 3:48

Todd and Kyle | 4:55

Kyle's hospitalization | 6:10

Estranged daughter | 7:04

Canceled engagement | 8:44

Bankruptcy | 9:53

Tax evasion | 10:49

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