Athletes Who Treat Their Fans Like Trash
Mar 09 2022
In the history of athletics, there have been heroes and there have been villains, but most of these narrative cycles have taken place on the field of play. However, in modern sports, there are some athletic bad guys whose personae have spilled over into the stands. The following sports icons were not very nice to their fans, and we have all the evidence we need in video, audio, and recorded witness testimony. Some of these cases are pretty minor — John McEnroe snipping at a fan, for example. In other cases, things got a little more intense — and one fan got attacked brutally! These are athletes who treated their fans like trash.

#Athletes #Fans #Sports

Michael Jordan | 0:00

Cam Newton | 1:12

Brian Urlacher | 2:22

Lance Armstrong | 3:05

Rob Ray | 4:02

Floyd Mayweather | 4:55

Kevin Durant | 5:58

Tiger Woods | 6:32

Jose Canseco | 7:31

Barry Bonds | 8:10

Ty Cobb | 9:05

John McEnroe | 9:52

Albert Belle | 10:35

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