Celebs Who Went Into Hiding Before Their Death
Mar 13 2022
Celebrities spend much of their lives in the public eye. To some extent, it comes with the territory — fans will always be curious about the ins and outs of their favorite star’s personal life. But celebrities are people, too, and there are certain things that deserve privacy, regardless of fame.

For some celebs, public scrutiny gets to be too much, and they make the decision to retreat into isolation. And often, they’ll remain cut off from the outside world for the rest of their lives. Whether on account of poor health, extreme OCD, or just being tired of it all, these are the celebs who went into hiding before their death.

#Celebs #Hiding #DavidBowie

David Bowie | 0:00

Michael Jackson | 1:19

Freddie Mercury | 2:12

Bobby Fischer | 3:07

John Hughes | 4:00

Bill Hicks | 4:56

Layne Staley | 6:02

Zsa Zsa Gabor | 6:52

Syd Barrett | 8:09

Marlon Brando | 8:58

Greta Garbo | 9:57

Howard Hughes | 10:59

Mark Salling | 12:02

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