My Facial Cancer Won't Stop My Acting Dream | SHAKE MY BEAUTY
Mar 15 2022
AN ASPIRING ACTRESS who had part of her jaw removed after being diagnosed with a rare type of cancer is hoping to inspire others with facial differences to follow their dreams.Crystal, now 23, was just 18 when doctors broke the news that what she had thought was a small abscess on her gum was actually a tumour. As well as chemotherapy, she underwent surgery to remove a large portion of her right cheek, several teeth and her upper jaw. In the initial aftermath of the operation, she struggled with how much her appearance had changed, and would often hide her face away beneath her hair. But in time, she has learned to love herself. And now, after landing a place at a prestigious London drama school, she is one step closer to realising her dream of being an actress. Crystal told Truly: "I don't just want to play characters that are pitied or villainized. I want to prove that I'm more than my face."

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