The Most Arrogant Reality TV Stars
Mar 28 2022
What would reality TV be without the villains? Pretty boring, to say the least. In fact, it's fair to say the genre likely wouldn't even exist without their presence. When it comes to the addictive drama of "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" or "The Bachelor" or any of our other favorite shows, we owe all of our cravings to these glorious instigators. Inflated and driven by their leviathan egos, these stars specialize in riling everyone from their unfortunate co-stars to the droves of us watching at home. Here's our list of the most arrogant reality TV stars.

#RealityTV #Kardashians #Trump

Scott Disick | 0:00

Spencer Pratt | 1:49

Arie Luyendyk Jr. | 3:27

Kate Gosselin | 4:41

Jax Taylor | 6:13

The Duggar family | 7:36

Abby Lee Miller | 9:12

Omarosa Manigault Newman | 10:38

Ramona Singer | 12:01

Mike 'The Situation' Sorrentino | 13:44

Tiffany Pollard | 14:56

Paris Hilton | 16:07

Christine Quinn | 17:23

Donald Trump | 18:21


nicki swift, kardashians, trump, reality tv, hilton

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