I Source Luxury Goods For Millionaires | BLING LIFE
Nov 18 2021
MEET Amber Gordon, the luxury personal shopper who sources designer items for high net-worth clients around the world. Amber, 30, of London has sold millions of pounds worth of goods since founding her company - Tailored Styling - six years ago and is on track to sell £4 million worth this year alone. After starting out selling items online, her client base grew and she has been able to source goods from a £87,000 handbag to a £250,000 watch for clients including public figures and footballers. Amber is now able to afford items from the luxury brands she was fascinated by as a teenager and travels to amazing destinations for both work and leisure. Amber told Truly: “To me, money is essentially freedom. You can make your own choices, you don’t have to ask permission to do things, you don’t have to limit yourself. I can just decide something and I’m going to do it.” Today, Amber is on a tight deadline to fulfil a client’s request for a watch... Will she succeed?

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