10-Year-Old Snowboarder Lands Dangerous Double Backflip | KICK-ASS KIDS
May 10 2018
FAMOUS for being the youngest person ever to land a double backflip on a snowboard, meet 10-year-old Eli Bouchard – the next big star in the world of snowboarding. The talented youngster can leap up to 50ft in the air with ease, gliding over the most challenging slopes and regularly defeating competitors much older than him. Eli, from Quebec, Canada, travels more than three hours every weekend to train with his coach Max Henault, who says the boy’s abilities are unlike anything he has seen at that age. And two years ago, when Eli landed the double backflip, he became recognised internationally and has now amassed more than 46,000 followers on social media. To follow Eli’s journey, click below:

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