Is This Why Wife Swap Was Canceled?
May 07 2022
Reality TV in the early 2000s was a booming industry, and one of the biggest shows of the era was ABC’s “Wife Swap.” The series took the fish out of water concept to an extreme, setting up households with completely opposite lifestyles and swapping each other’s wives and mothers for two weeks in order to see how the other half lives and — presumably — come to better appreciate their own families.

We didn't watch “Wife Swap” because it all worked out nice, though. We came for the crying, the fights, and the twerking moms. If you’ve been wondering why “Wife Swap” was canceled, look no further. Here's why this train wreck went off the rails.

#WifeSwap #RealityTV #Scandal

Twisted reality | 0:00

Bad reputation | 1:32

Scandal | 3:10

Celebrity cancellation | 4:19

Reboot flop | 5:01

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