Here's What Happens If You Stop Bathing For An Entire Year
Jun 11 2022
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you gave up bathing entirely? During the pandemic, maybe the thought slipped your mind. I mean, let's be real -- many of us stopped leaving the house as much as we were before. For some, that also meant a change to our hygiene practices. Maybe a little less face wash there, a little more singing in front of the mirror here -- hygiene became an afterthought, a chore, a monotony instead of a routine. But, what really would happen if you were to stop bathing for a year? Keep your loofa close and your body wash even closer. After watching this, you may want to keep your bath routine a daily habit! Here's what happens if you stop bathing for an entire year.

#Bath #Year #Health

You'll smell bad | 0:00

You may get breakouts | 1:15

Fungal infections and more | 2:02

Overactive immune system | 3:06

Dandruff | 3:59

Hair starts to fall out | 4:56

Dandruff in other areas | 5:39

Painful cracks in skin | 6:29

Prone to infections | 7:15

Social isolation | 8:08

Bathe multiple times | 9:02

Baths should be daily | 9:34

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