Drew Barrymore's Transformation Is Simply Stunning
Jun 16 2022
Drew Barrymore was famous before she ever landed her first big role. The actor hails from Hollywood royalty, beginning with her great-grandfather Maurice, who began acting a century before Barrymore came along. By the time she was 10, Barrymore had had significant roles in five feature films, including “E.T.” and “Firestarter.”

While the star’s professional life seemed to be on a roll, her personal life was in a downward spiral. Barrymore experienced substance abuse issues, a stint in a mental hospital, and various career setbacks. Today, she’s happy and healthy, but it’s been a long road. From her earliest days onscreen to her life post-divorce, here’s how Drew Barrymore’s transformation is simply stunning.

#DrewBarrymore #Actress #Transformation

Family of actors | 0:00

An absent dad | 1:03

Auditioning for Spielberg | 2:13

Troubled adolescence | 3:10

Hospitalization at 13 | 4:11

Emancipated minor | 4:58

Dating history | 6:01

Groundbreaking late-night moments | 6:56

Adam Sandler helped her career | 8:05

Directorial debut | 9:04

Building her empire | 10:02

Love, kids and marriage | 11:03

Postpartum depression | 12:17

Santa Clarita Diet | 13:15

Reconnection with her mom | 14:14

Daytime talk show | 15:00

Early roles with famed author | 15:59

No more marriage | 16:46

Controversial remarks | 17:51

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