Demi Lovato's 'Heart Goes Out' To Shawn Mendes After He Postpones Tour
Jul 23 2022
Demi Lovato is sending their love to Shawn Mendes. The "Anyone" singer was on the "Karson & Kennedy Talk with Famous People" show and sent their support to Shawn, who recently postponed his tour to focus on his mental health. "My heart goes out to Shawn because, I know what it's like to get out on the road and not be ready for it. I know what it's like to feel overworked or burnt out, " they said. Demi is getting ready to hit the road soon after their new album comes out in August, but this time how they approach touring will be different. "I think what I'm doing to get ready for it is making sure that I have everything in line, making sure I'm working with my therapist... but also there's a physical aspect to it," they said.

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