20 Ridiculous Things Celebrities Have In Their Mansions
Aug 30 2022
Celebrities have an eye for the finer things in life, from travel to real estate, there’s always something luxurious about it. For these celebrities’ luxury wasn’t enough when it came to the home they picked to purchase and what they fill their homes with. Not everything in a celebrity home is only there for aesthetics, though a 300-pound sink that’s now a part of Kendall’s powder room, or the Windmill Robert Downey Jr lives in in the summer.

But some of their design choices also come down to practicality, like Zedd’s “Costco Room” that stocked with all his necessities for survival, or personality like Miley Cyrus’s Rockstar mansion and Puzzle table. For these celebs owning a multi-million-dollar isn’t enough, there has to be the wow factor. For Oprah it’s the wine mine, for Celine Dion it was her water park, for Drake, it’s his bed.

No matter the celebrity or the house, there’s one thing that makes their home unique, no matter how ridiculous it may seem to the rest of the world. Just ask Kim Kardashian, who is still defending her choice for having a flat sink in one of her many bathrooms. Sometimes it’s the home that inspires the wild and wacky celebrity design ideas, like Mark Zuckerberg’s new smart house, or the ample space Bill Gates had to make a room for trampolines.


00:00 Intro

00:22 Kylie Jenner’s Play-Mansion

01:01 Kim Kardashian’s Flat Sinks

01:38 Paris Hilton’s Dog Mansion

02:13 Kendall’s Six-Figure Art

02:49 Beyoncé & Jay Z’s High-Tech Windows

03:25 J-Lo’s Vineyard

03:56 Miley Cyrus’s Puzzle Table

04:34 Shay Mitchell’s Thousand-Pound Chandelier

05:04 Bill Gates’s Trampoline room

05:39 Lady Gaga’s Paranormal Detector

06:06 Will Smith’s RV

06:39 Drake’s Custom Mattress

07:12 DJ Khaled’s Custom Shoe Closet

07:34 John Travolta’s Private Runway

07:58 Zedd’s Costco Room

08:26 Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban’s Car Elevator

08:54 Oprah Winfrey’s Wine Mine

09:25 Mark Zuckerberg’s Smart Home

09:55 Robert Downey Jr’s Windmill

10:16 Celine Dion’s Waterpark

10:47 Outro

Written by: Elizabeth Oloidi

Narrated by: LanessaVO

Edited by: Carolina Jimenez Franco

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