She was Scammed By A Fake Attorney
Sep 05 2022
Almost 10 million households in the US own timeshares – which are shared ownership of vacation property for a predetermined amount of time – in some of the most picturesque places around the world. Today, Dr. Phil meets a hard-working nurse who says in 2013, she purchased a timeshare in Cabo San Lucas. However, two years ago, she says she got a call from someone claiming to be “an attorney” in Mexico, stating there was a data breach at her resort, and she was entitled to a $38,580 settlement. Since then, she says she still hasn’t received a single penny – but instead, has sent “the attorney” and his associates six-times that settlement amount due to international taxes and fees. Her daughters say their mom is being scammed and want answers. What will Dr. Phil uncover? Find out. (20093)

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