She Says Her Mother-in-Law is an ‘Emotional Roller Coaster’
Sep 06 2022
Tiffany says her mother-in-law, Nellie, requires a lot of emotional support. She says she knows this all too well since she has allowed Nellie to live with her family several times but it did not go well. Tiffany’s husband, Chris, says he’s extremely concerned for his mother's well-being, especially since his father's recent passing. Now, both are torn as to whether they should move Nellie back into their home with their two teenage sons. Nellie admits she is used to drama and chaos from spending years trying to forget the pain that resulted from a difficult childhood in foster care. Dr. Phil works with the family through their pain and offers Nellie an opportunity to go to Onsite for emotional wellness, so she may begin to heal past wounds. (20066)

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