False Facts The Crown Told You About King Charles III
Sep 19 2022
A less-than-accurate affair. A secret plot that never took place. A notable absence… of hay? "The Crown" might be royally binge-able, but it takes its fair share of creative liberty when it comes to its most kingly character! Here are all the false facts The Crown told you about King Charles III.

#Royals #TheCrown #KingCharles

Charles parents were cruel | 0:00

He hated boarding school | 1:29

Plots to separate Charles and Camilla | 2:53

He is angry and wimpy | 4:13

His relationship with Diana’s sister was brief | 5:35

Charles met Diana in a costume | 6:27

His courtship to Diana was restrained | 7:22

Charles was hands-off with Diana’s mental health | 8:23

There may’ve been more jealousy | 9:23

He wasn’t a very busy prince | 10:27

Charles’ affair with Camilla | 11:28

Diana was always the sympathetic one in the relationship | 12:31

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