The Most Inappropriate Outfits Princess Beatrice Has Ever Worn
Sep 30 2022
Bare legs at a funeral? Spaceship hats at a wedding? These aren’t wardrobe malfunctions, these are outfits Princess Beatrice thought were appropriate! Sigh, if only she had her “cleavage bag” to save her.

#Fashion #Royals #PrincessBeatrice

An electric blue bridesmaid? | 0:00

A black veil at the wrong time | 1:07

Baring her legs at Philip’s funeral | 2:02

A thigh-high tux dress | 2:55

The internet-famous fascinator | 3:58

A headband instead of a hat | 5:09

Royalty in a strapless dress? | 6:03

Nude in a navy dress | 7:11

A custom wedding ensemble | 7:47

Out with modesty, in with mini skirts | 9:04

Wearing all black outside of a funeral | 9:41

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