The wife of one of Australia's greatest Olympians lives in constant pain | 60 Minutes Australia
Jan 09 2023
The Perkins family always seems so happy, so blessed. Kieren - one of the all-time swimming greats. And Sam - the tower of strength. The no-nonsense wife and mother. But it turns out life hasn't always been quite that rosy. For all these years, Sam has been living with an agonising secret. Suffering from dreadful migraines, crushing headaches that, on one occasion, almost killed her. Pills, even injections, are useless. Nothing eases the pain. Sound familiar? If it does, if you've ever had a really bad headache, you'll be astounded by what happens next. As Liam Bartlett tells the story of how an amazing little brain implant changed Sam and Kieren's lives forever.

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