Strictly Soulmates: Exploring Love in the Muslim Community | Real Stories Full-Length Documentary
Jun 17 2023
This episode of Strictly Soulmates takes you on a captivating journey through the challenges of finding love within the Muslim community. Follow Zubair, a devout Muslim studying engineering, as he balances his religious duty to find a wife with his aspirations to rebuild his homeland. Meet Dimpy, a 31-year-old woman facing mounting pressure to settle down, and witness the efforts of her family to find her the perfect match. Join Nyla on her quest for an arranged marriage, as she navigates the expectations of her mother while staying true to her own desires. Discover the complexities of Muslim dating, from limited interaction with the opposite gender to the importance of cultural and religious compatibility. In this eye-opening documentary, explore the unique journey of these individuals as they search for their soulmates."

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