Masterminds: Tales of Deception, Smuggling, and Audacious Heists | Real Stories True Crime
Jul 02 2023
Episode 1: Witness the astounding gold mining scam orchestrated by Michael De Guzman. Discover how he outwitted experts and investors, turning a penny stock into a billion-dollar fraud. Prepare for a shocking tale of deception and devastating consequences.

Episode 2: Immerse yourself in the world of antiquity smuggling with Jonathan Toakley Perry. Marvel at his ingenious methods as he evades tight security measures, smuggling priceless artifacts out of Egypt. Uncover the secrets behind his forged treasures and his audacious escapes.

Episode 3: Meet Judy Amar, the fearless burglar who targeted the wealthy and eluded law enforcement while amassing millions. Experience the adrenaline of her meticulously planned heists and the thrilling pursuit that kept the police on their toes.

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