Egypt: Behind the Revolution (Middle East Documentary) | Real Stories
Sep 14 2023
This documentary was filmed in Cairo, with real people who experienced the Egyptian revolution of 2011. The new media have shown you the overview of events happening in Egypt, but they have glossed over the real effect of these events on the people who live there. Although people have spoken about the real reasons for the revolution, this aspect is often overlooked by the media because of their interest. This documentary is about the people's life under the Mubarak regime, and during the revolution, as well as what they are hoping to accomplish in the post-Mubarak future. Compare and contrast the lifestyles of different strata of society who lived under Mubarak, and how they see their lives changing. Including interviews with young revolutionaries fighting for a new start for Egypt. Capturing a snapshot of people's views about what happened, and what should happen next, while the country is in transition.

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