What Is 3-MMC? The Party Drug With "No Comedown"
Sep 21 2023
Europe is undergoing a synthetic boom, with hundreds of stimulants springing up across the continent. None though are creating quite as much buzz as 3-MMC. Piggybacking into the party scene off its predecessor Mephedrone, 3-MMC (3-methylmethcathinone) offers a cleaner, cheaper, and potentially more addictive high with virtually no comedown. Many describe it feeling like a mixture of cocaine and molly—no wonder partiers can’t wait to get their hands on it. But, they’re not the only ones... 

Since its ban in 2022, 3-MMC has been illicitly trafficked back into Europe by mafia groups in the Netherlands. Smuggling shipments of drugs and precursor chemicals into Rotterdam and neighboring Antwerp, underground mafias are on the verge of turning the Netherlands into a narco state. 

In this episode of High Society, VICE’s Zach Shucklin heads to Berlin and Amsterdam to learn about 3-MMC’s unique properties, its role in the party scene, and the potential ramifications for its growing popularity.

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