Lily Allen's Shocking Revelation About Her Adult Film Preferences
May 08 2024

Lily Allen recently made a shocking revelation about her adult film preferences during an interview on the Where There’s A Will, There’s A Wake podcast. The singer confessed that her taste in adult entertainment is "so dark" that she wants to be buried with her phone to ensure that no one sees her internet history.

Allen explained that she doesn't want her phone to be left behind, especially her Google search history and porn search history. She described how her porn trajectory on Saturday nights when her kids are with their dad and her husband is not at home starts off innocently but quickly takes a dark turn.

When discussing what she wants to be buried with, Allen initially mentioned her phone but then joked about wanting to be buried with "all her Apple devices," suggesting that her coffin would be filled with gadgets.

Despite her dark preferences in adult entertainment, Allen revealed that she plans to leave "everything" to her children when she passes away. She shares two daughters with her ex-husband and is now married to actor David Harbour.

Among the items Allen plans to leave for her children is a secret engagement ring she had made after feeling that her first husband's ring wasn't big enough. She humorously shared how she never told her ex-husband about the replica ring with a bigger diamond, letting him believe he had done well.

Additionally, Allen shared a funny anecdote about a one-sided issue she had with Sir Elton John, which stemmed from a letter she wrote but never sent. After years of thinking her manager had ignored her heartfelt letter, Allen discovered that she had never actually posted it.