Spot the Fake Manchester United Fans Among Man City Supporters - Win Cash Prize!
May 23 2024
Get ready for the ultimate challenge in football fandom! In the lead up to the FA Cup Final, a group of 8 self-proclaimed Manchester City supporters will be put to the test. Among them lurk at least 1, possibly more, Manchester United fans pretending to be City supporters. It's a race against time for the true City fans to identify the fakes and win a cash prize. The quicker they spot the imposters, the more money they stand to win! But beware, if an Arsenal fan is the last one standing, they will walk away with the entire prize pot! Think you have what it takes to spot the fake fan? Or perhaps you're up for the challenge of being the imposter? Apply now to be a part of our exciting new football gameshow, "Find The Fake Fan"! Email us at to sign up for the next series.

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