The Snyder Cut: Joe Manganiello on Restored Deathstroke Scene
Oct 09 2020
"I knew you were gonna ask me this, man. I knew it." Our own Steve Weintraub was chatting with Joe Manganiello, star of deconstructive superhero thriller Archenemy and, well, when you're talking with someone who's involved with Zack Snyder's Justice League, aka The Snyder Cut, you have to ask them about Zack Snyder's Justice League, aka The Snyder Cut. The new HBO Max remix and Zack Snyder reauthentication of the boondoggle that was Justice League brings out a lot of emotions and questions in people. Or, as Manganiello says of fan reactions, "They're gonna go crazy, and they're gonna come back at me with whatever I say." So what can Manganiello say?

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