Sonequa Martin-Green on Space Jam 2 and Becoming Captain on Star Trek: Discovery Season 4
Jul 16 2021
With director Malcolm D. Lee’s Space Jam: A New Legacy now playing in theaters and streaming on HBO Max, I recently spoke with Sonequa Martin-Green about playing Lebron James' wife in the Space Jam sequel. During the interview, she talked about what people would be surprised to learn about the making of Space Jam 2, if she had a lot of friends that wanted to visit her on set, if Lebron gave her a pair of sneakers, which Warner Bros. characters she was surprised to see in the background of the basketball game, her love of The Matrix, and more. In addition, we talked about Star Trek: Discovery Season 4 and why it’s a big deal for her character, Michael Burnham, to be seated in the captain’s chair.

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