I’m 100% Natural… But I Want To Be Bigger | MIAMI MUSCLE Ep.3
Aug 29 2019
Rahki Giovanni has worked hard in the gym to sculpt her incredible all-natural figure - but while her thighs and booty have gotten bigger and more muscly - one part of her body has gone the other way. The Miami personal trainer has seen her bust size dramatically drop and now faces the dilemma of having a breast augmentation to get her ideal figure or stick with the all-natural look that has made her so popular on social media. Rahki told Barcroft TV: “Losing all the weight, gaining all the muscle, was the best thing that could ever happen to me. It shook me up; got me right mentally and physically. But there’s always a downside: the little loose skin and the shrinkage of the boobs.” She admits to buying bras a size larger and stuffing with rolled up socks to create the illusion of a fuller-looking bust. Meeting with Dr Jason Altman of the Plastic Surgery Institute of Miami, Rahki has to decide if she wants surgery or not.

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