Killed By Her Ex-Convict PenPal Lover | Our Life
Jul 11 2023
In February 2006, a tragic event unfolded when 19-year-old Carly was murdered by her boyfriend, Pilkington, a convicted killer who had previously served time for killing a friend in 2000. Carly had started corresponding with 'Pilky', a friend of her brother's who was in prison, when she was just 15. Within two years of his release, he took Carly's life.

This powerful narrative reveals the circumstances leading up to Carly's death and the profound impact it had on her family and friends. Through exclusive home video footage of Carly and interviews with her parents, Trevor and Sheila, it is revealed that Carly was a silent victim of domestic violence, ultimately paying the ultimate price.

Our Life is dedicated to bringing you compelling social interest stories from around the globe. Our award-winning documentaries, films, and groundbreaking reports delve into the intricacies of everyday life, offering narratives that entertain, inspire, and inform.

This content is distributed by ITV Studios.

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