From 420lbs to 210lbs: Inspiring Transformation of a Failing Liver Patient
Feb 10 2024
22-year-old Rodney, an aspiring bodybuilder, has undergone an incredible transformation from weighing 420lbs to a lean 210lbs. Throughout his turbulent childhood, Rodney turned to food for comfort, consuming an average of 10,000 calories per day, mostly consisting of junk food. By the age of 17, he had two "close calls with death" - a motorbike accident caused by his weight and a diagnosis of fatty liver disease. Determined to change his lifestyle, Rodney cut out fast food and soda from his diet and started hitting the gym. Now, he has a 32-inch waist, down from 56 inches, and has found purpose as an online coach, helping others on their weight loss journeys. Rodney has even competed in a bodybuilding contest and has set his sights on becoming the first person in history to lose over 220lbs and be nationally recognized as a pro bodybuilder. He aspires to be known for something great.

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