- HONEY BOY | Directing Featurette
- BLACK CHRISTMAS | On-set Interview with the Cast & Director
- JUMANJI: THE NETX LEVEL | Awkwafina "Ming" On-set Interview
- THE WITCHER | Geralt of Rivia Featurette (Netflix)
- THE AERONAUTS | Eddie and Felicity Featurette
- JUMANJI: THE NETX LEVEL | Kevin Hart "Mouse" On-set Interview
- STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER | Friendship Featurette
- BLACK CHRISTMAS (2019) | Behind the Scenes of Christmas Horror Movie
- LITTLE WOMEN | New York Premiere
- MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONAL | Vfx Breakdown by Method Studios (2019)
- TOY STORY 4 | All Released Bonus Features [Blu-Ray/DVD 2019]
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