Kanye Calls Trevor Noah Racial Slur For Defending Pete Davidson

Kanye Calls Trevor Noah Racial Slur For Defending Pete Davidson We’ve all heard the song Kumbaya my lord, but who would have ever thought Kanye could use that song to hurl racial slurs at Trevor Noah for defending Pete Davidson. The word "kumbaya" is believed by many music historians to be pidgin English and a transliteration for the prayerful plea to God: "Come By Here." However the first part of that word can be twisted to be utilized as a racial slur. Which is exactly what we saw Kanye doing at 5AM. #Kanye #TrevorNoah #PeteDavidson #instagram #kanyewest #kimkardashian #racialslur #top10 #celebritynews #exposed #informoverload #informationoverload #io #celebnews #trendingnews #youtubenews #gossip #celebrities #entertainment #drama #news #entertainmentnews ✉️Email | Contact: informoverload@gmail.com IN THIS VIDEO: PRODUCER & FILMED BY: Chris Stiuso VIDEO EDITED BY:

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