Mom Wants To Look Like A Blow Up Doll | HOOKED ON THE LOOK
Aug 22 2018
A MUM-OF-TWO who looks like 'a real-life blow up doll' claims posting sexy snaps on social media doesn’t stop her being a good mum. With her breast implants, pumped up lips and platinum dyed hair, Cindy Moore looks a lot like a blow-up sex doll - which is exactly the look she is going for. The 29-year-old used to weigh 17 stone and wear a size 24, but after dropping nearly seven stone and six dress sizes, Cindy started flaunting her new look in racy Instagram photos. Dressed in fishnet bodysuits, school girl-style skirts that show her butt cheeks and extra small bra tops, Cindy says she posts the pictures for herself rather than anyone else.

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