
Surgery Addict Injects Risky ‘Eternal Youth’ Bacteria | HOOKED ON THE LOOK

AN ACTRESS is risking her life for ‘eternal youth’ by injecting herself with doses of a 3.5 million year-old bacteria discovered in Siberia. The 45-year-old, who uses the moniker Manoush and refuses to give her real name, has been pumping an extract of Bacillus F into her blood stream for the past three months and says it has made her look and feel younger. The ancient bacteria was discovered in the permafrost of north-west Russia by scientists in 2009 and has been hailed a ‘scientific sensation’ by some. The injections are just the latest in a longline of procedures for mother-of-one Manoush who has already spent $50,000 on plastic surgery over the last 20 years.

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