
Why Amber Heard Has To Be VERY Careful Writing Her Tell-All Book

Why Amber Heard Has To Be VERY Careful Writing Her Tell-All Book Amber Heard has now apparently signed a book deal to tell "her side of the story" of her court case with Johnny Depp. However, the last time she decided to write about him it landed her in court and owing Depp MILLIONS of dollars. THIS is Why Amber Heard Has To Be VERY Careful Writing Her Tell-All Book. #amberheard #tellall #bookdeal #defamation #johnnydepp #top10 #celebritynews #celebrities #exposed #informoverload #informationoverload #io #celebnews #trendingnews #gossip #entertainment #drama #news ✉️Email | Contact: informoverload@gmail.com IN THIS VIDEO: PRODUCER & FILMED BY: Chris Stiuso VIDEO EDITED BY:

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