What Nobody Ever Told You About Mike Holmes
May 29 2021
For DIYers and HGTV fans around the world, Mike Holmes is a familiar face. The Canadian contractor has been gracing screens and helping homeowners “make it right” since his first series, Holmes on Homes, premiered in 2001. Holmes has built an empire around home renovation, which today includes multiple series, books, and commercial engagements.

Since he’s been in the public eye for so many years now, TV viewers have come to learn a lot about Holmes and his contracting family, but there’s plenty that even his biggest fans might not know. From his unexpected start in the entertainment industry to a now staggering net worth, here’s what nobody ever told you about Mike Holmes.

#MikeHolmes #HGTV #HomeRenovation

Fluke TV career | 0:00

You can trust him | 1:31

Connection to Brad Pitt | 2:25

His own magazine | 3:16

Reggae fan | 4:00

Holmes helped sell coffee | 4:40

He's got lots of shows | 5:21

Branched into workwear | 6:32

Mike Holmes' endgame | 7:25

A family business | 8:14

Believes in giving back | 9:06

Mike's favorite room | 9:48

A surprising net worth | 10:29

Holmes on Homes podcast | 11:18

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