Secret Nicknames Royals Have Behind Closed Doors
Jun 01 2021
Everything the British royal family does comes with a little more pageantry than your average person. That’s especially true when they’re being addressed in public, where “traditional forms” are used: “Your Majesty” and “Your Royal Highness” are the norm. Most people know the British royal family by their official titles, or at least their full names.

But surely the royals aren’t addressing each other with so much formality when they’re just hanging out and sharing some tea. Who are they to each other, and what are the names they go by in private company? These are the secret nicknames royals have behind closed doors.

#Royals #Names #RoyalFamily

Lilibet | 0:00

Cabbage | 1:04

Poppet | 1:57

Gladys and Fred | 2:46

Squidgy | 3:51

Wombat and Ginger | 4:51

Arch | 5:40

Little Spencer | 6:28

Haz | 7:23

Gary | 8:10

Tungsten | 9:03

P.G. | 9:58

Lottie | 10:48

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