Valerie Bertinelli Takes Social Media Hiatus for Mental Health
May 19 2024

Valerie Bertinelli, known for her role in "One Day at a Time," has decided to take a step back from social media for a while. In a recent Instagram post, the 64-year-old actress shared that she felt the need for a "cleanse/detox" and a mental health break.

Reflecting on the past few weeks, Bertinelli admitted that it has been a lot for her. Despite being grateful for the support she has received for her book and the people she has met, she acknowledged that she, as an introvert in extrovert's clothing, needed to prioritize her mental well-being.

While she didn't feel obligated to announce her departure, Bertinelli chose to share her decision with fans who might worry if she doesn't post frequently. She reassured her followers that she is doing well and emphasized the importance of recognizing when one is overwhelmed and emotionally exhausted.

By taking a social media cleanse and mental health break, Bertinelli highlighted the significance of self-awareness and self-care. She also shared her announcement on Instagram Stories, accompanied by Taylor Swift's song "I Can't Do It With a Broken Heart."

In April, Bertinelli made her relationship with celebrity chef Mike Goodnough Instagram-official, referencing Taylor Swift's lyrics in her post. Goodnough had previously shared their story in an essay, revealing how they connected through social media.

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