Tori Spelling's Unique Mother's Day Gift: Multiple Stomach Piercings
May 20 2024

Tori Spelling, known for her bold fashion choices, recently shocked fans with a unique Mother's Day gift from her children - multiple stomach piercings. The actress, 51, shared the unconventional present on her latest "MisSPELLING" podcast episode titled "Miss Midriff."

In the podcast clip, Spelling revealed that getting matching piercings has become a Mother's Day tradition for her and her kids. This year, she proudly displayed four tiny studs on the sides of her stomach, joking about still being bruised from the process.

Despite her friend Jessica Amer's surprise at the number of piercings, Spelling explained, "I hate odd numbers. You know I like everything in pairs." The actress, who has five children, expressed pride in her stomach, a part of her body she has always loved showcasing.

Spelling's openness about her body positivity and unique style has garnered attention, with the actress admitting to wearing a lot of crop tops lately. She shared that her children know her well and understand her love for flaunting her midsection.

Additionally, Spelling took to Instagram Stories to document the piercing process, including a photo with her children at the tattoo and piercing studio. The actress shares her kids with estranged husband Dean McDermott, who recently made headlines with his own relationship debut.

Despite their separation, McDermott and Spelling have shown support for each other's new relationships, emphasizing the importance of happiness and growth post-divorce. Spelling's unique Mother's Day gift serves as a reminder of her individuality and confidence in embracing her body.

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