Living with Aquagenic Urticaria: My Shower Routine and Coping Strategies
Jan 19 2024
Abbie, a 21-year-old, lives with aquagenic urticaria, a rare condition that causes her to be allergic to water. Whenever her skin comes into contact with water for too long, she experiences painful and itchy hives. Abbie first noticed these symptoms at the age of 16 but struggled to find a diagnosis for months. Eventually, she learned that there is no cure for her condition. Since then, Abbie has had to adapt her daily routine and cope with the challenges it presents. She limits her showers to a maximum of 10 minutes, takes four antihistamines daily to manage flare-ups, and always carries an umbrella when she goes outside. Despite the difficulties, Abbie maintains a positive outlook and refuses to let her condition bring her down. Her friend, Amy, admires Abbie's resilience and how well she handles her condition.
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