Halo Season 2: Bokeem Woodbine Teases Soren's Greatest Fear
Feb 10 2024
Halo Season 2 is now available to stream on Paramount+, and it continues the story of Master Chief months after the Season 1 finale. Bokeem Woodbine's character, Soren-066, is a fan-favorite who plays a significant role this season. Soren is searching for Dr. Catherine Halsey while trying to maintain control over Rubble. In an interview with Collider, Woodbine discusses the shift in tone for Season 2 and the incredible attention to detail in the action sequences. He also talks about Soren's arrest, his character's fears, and the surprising character development Soren experiences this season. Woodbine also reflects on his time working on Michael Bay's The Rock and the experience of being part of an ensemble cast in San Francisco.
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