My Daughter Is 8 Years Younger Than Me | A Remarkable Family
May 27 2024
24-year-old Tasia Taylor and her 26-year-old husband Drew have opened their home to foster children, despite their young age. They welcomed Rory, 14, into their family and later adopted him, along with his brother Isaiah, 12, and Tasia's cousin Tamiray, 16. Two months ago, Tasia gave birth to their biological daughter, Ashtyn Rose. The couple, who are both teachers, have faced criticism for their decision to adopt teenagers at such a young age, but they believe they are mature enough to handle the responsibility. Despite initial concerns from their families, they have received a lot of support. The family often gets mistaken for siblings or friends due to their close bond. Tasia and Drew hope to have more children and continue fostering in the future. Drew reassures their children that they will always be there for them.

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