Ashley Biden's Transformation Is Seriously Turning Heads
Mar 30 2020
Ashley Biden is more than just one of former Vice President Joe Biden's children. She is leading a path of her own as a social worker, activist, and entrepreneur. So how has she changed over the years? This is the stunning transformation of Ashley Biden.

Even with the powerful family Ashley Biden has always had surrounding her, she still believes she led a pretty normal childhood. She would clip coupons alongside her mother before grocery shopping, act in school plays, and occasionally accompany her father, Senator Joe Biden, to work. However, this never seemed like a big deal to her. She told DETV,

"When I was little, you see your dad and the work that he does, but you don't really...cognitively really get the significance. Dad was dad to me."

She decided to study culture and anthropology at Tulane University. After graduating with her Bachelor's degree, she didn't want to depend on her parents as she was trying to decide what to do now with her life. She returned to her hometown to take time to figure out the next step to take regarding her career. She told Politico,

"I actually worked as a waitress in a small pizza shop in Wilmington, Delaware for I think it was a few months, while I was figuring out where I wanted to go." Keep watching to see why Ashley Biden's Transformation Is Seriously Turning Heads!

#AshleyBiden #JoeBiden

A humble beginning | 0:18

Intrigued by social work | 1:15

Inspiring women | 2:11

Putting family first | 3:08

Working with children | 4:09

The White House | 5:03

Falling in love | 6:48

Her brother's passing | 7:40

Her Livelihood | 8:23

Biden 2020 | 9:25

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