Linda Cardellini on If Fantastic Four Was a Concern When Joining Capone
Jun 03 2020
As we all well know, there were problems on Josh Trank’s reboot of Fantastic Four. But of course, our understanding of the behind-the-scenes drama is limited because of the obvious fact - we weren’t there. Between the reports claiming that Trank’s behavior on set was “erratic,” the deleted Tweets Trank wrote about the “fantastic version” of the film that would never see the light of day and the movie’s dismal performance at the box office, one could extrapolate that Trank might have a very difficult time securing funding and talent for future films - and many did. Five years after the release of Fantastic Four, however, Trank is busy celebrating the release of another feature he got to make his way with a slew of top tier talent, Capone.

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