I Lost 112lbs And Was Crowned Miss GB | BRAND NEW ME
Oct 09 2020
A FORMER 'couch potato' who lost 112lbs in weight has celebrated her achievement by being crowned Miss Great Britain. After constant binge eating and takeaways, Jen Atkin saw her weight rise to 247lbs. The 27-year-old from Grimsby, UK, felt like she was in a vicious circle. When she saw the scales read 247lbs, she was shocked into action; she ditched the takeaways, got off the sofa and started exercising. In two years she lost an amazing 112lbs. With her new found confidence, Jen entered and impressed the judges at the Miss Great Britain pageant where she was crowned the winner! Jen is over the moon with her success and hopes her story encourages others. Jen told Truly: “I feel like people can look to me and get a bit of inspiration and see that if I can do this, then they can too.”

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