The Truth About Zac Clark From The Bachelorette
Dec 23 2020
Zac Clark may not have stolen Clare Crawley's heart on The Bachelorette, but it looks like this New York hottie is making quite the impression with Tayshia Adams, who took over the coveted role mid-season. But wait, let's back up. You're probably wondering who Zac really is.

Zac Clark's young adult life was going pretty smoothly until one day it wasn't. His future looked promising. He had just graduated from York College in 2006, according to ABC 27, with a degree in sports management and had big aspirations to work in the industry someday soon. However, once he learned he had a brain tumor, those dreams were quickly put on hold.

Zac told Tayshia Adams as much during a one-on-one date. In an attempt to be open and honest with the Bachelorette, Zac confessed over dinner that having brain surgery was a "crazy, life-altering experience."

Zac was only 23 when he underwent surgery, and he told Tayshia that he decided to see a doctor prior to his diagnosis because he started feeling dizzy, though he didn't elaborate on his other symptoms. While Zac had it tough in his earlier years, we can all agree he seems to have come a long way since then.

Keep watching to see The Truth About Zac Clark From The Bachelorette.

#Bachelorette #ZacClark

Life-altering experience | 0:00

Rocky recovery | 01:05

Turning his life around | 01:56

Achieving sobriety | 02:33

Eagles fan | 03:23

Divorced in his early 20s | 04:11

A strong family unit | 04:54

His sister signed him up | 05:41

Marathon man | 06:24

What Zac wants | 07:10

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