Why Lily Isn't Showing Her Body In AT&T's NCAA Commercials
Mar 28 2021
Body shaming and body comments have reared their ugly heads again. Good grief. It's nothing new, sadly, and the issue is especially amplified on social media. While the problem seems to be worse for women, body shaming has affected men, too, so it seems like no one is immune from this endless talk. While we cheer on celebs who call out their body-shamers, it still seems really unfair that this is something anybody has to do.

Unfortunately, body comments have affected AT&T's commercial actor Milana Vayntrub, who has played the character Lily Adams for years. Vayntrub has also starred in Ghostbusters, This is Us, and the TV series Dad, among many other credits, according to her IMDb page. So clearly, Vayntrub is familiar with the ins and outs of celebrity and show business. Nevertheless, Vayntrub has made a major decision about how she physically appears in said AT&T ads and her response was powerful. Here's what's going on.

Milana Vayntrub is speaking out against those who feel entitled to comment on her body. The AT&T commercial star responded to questions about why she's standing behind a desk in new commercials or choosing postures where only her face is visible. Vayntrub tweeted on March 20th, 2021,

"Been getting a lot of 'why are they placing her body like that in those ads?'. Well, I direct the ads. I place myself like that. And it's because of the thousands of unwelcome comments I receive about my body. You've lost the privilege of looking at it until I feel safe again."

Watch this video for more on why Lily isn't showing her body in AT&T's NCAA commercials!

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