Sports Stars Who Are Currently Behind Bars
May 02 2021
We’ve said goodbye to plenty of sports stars over the years. From age, to career-ending injuries, to just plain boredom with the game, professional athletes walk away from their sports for a number of reasons. But we don’t often imagine that our favorite wide receiver is heading into early retirement on account committing a grisly crime.

Sadly, there are more sports stars currently behind bars than you’d think. The crimes they’ve committed are as varied as their respective careers, as are the motivations behind them. Whether it be on account of money or love, these sports stars have done some terrible things and are paying the price for them today.

#Sports #Prison #Stars

Eric Naposki | 0:00

Dave Meggett | 1:14

Oscar Pistorius | 2:25

Jon "War Machine" Koppenhaver | 3:32

Clifford Etienne | 4:26

Craig Titus | 5:50

Bertil Fox | 7:01

Hardbody Harrison | 7:54

Keith Wright | 9:05

Darren Sharper | 10:05

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