Here's What Kendall Jenner Typically Eats In A Day
Jul 15 2021
The various Kardashians and Jenners have been under the cultural microscope for their entire lives, and Kendall Jenner is no exception. People are fascinated with every aspect of the influential model's life, including what she eats at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and every bite in between. If you think all models subsist on water and air, you may be surprised to learn that Kendall actually love calories. Healthy meals are her habit, it's true, but Kendall also won't say no to pizza, ice cream, and pasta, and she probably indulges more frequently than a lot of her peers in the modeling industry. On the other hand, Jenner probably knows more than most about eating healthy. Here's what Kendall Jenner really eats in a day.

#KendallJenner #Kardashians #Eat

Breakfast | 0:00

Time for tea | 0:57

Thirst-quencher | 1:33

Healthy lunch | 2:13

Health Nut | 2:47

Burgers and pizza | 3:30

Snacks | 4:13

Sushi or Italian | 4:57

Dessert | 5:36

DIY pasta | 6:14

Charcuterie and wine | 6:53

Frozen treats | 7:34

Her "perfect day" | 9:00

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