Eccentric Chinese Millionaire's Obsessive Quest: The Great Human Tower Contest | Real Stories
Aug 06 2023
A 300-year-old Spanish tradition of building human towers has come to China.

Qian Anhua is a millionaire businessman of new China. Philosopher, poet and musician; daring, extravagant and unorthodox; he has one particular obsession in life - the happiness of the workers in his factory.

Each year, he invests a great deal in their welfare. Now, Qian has found something extraordinary to offer them: an old tradition coming from Southern Europe...

Human towers can be as much as ten people high. Training to build a tower builds individual strength, balance, courage and trust. But even more importantly, it builds teamwork and cooperation.

Workers at a Chinese factory have trained diligently for years. But will they be selected to compete in the “Olympics” of human tower building in Spain?

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