NEW CLUES: Searching for the Guthrie Family 46 Years Later!
Nov 28 2023
In 1977, Leslie Guthrie, a 29-year-old mother, and her two children, Timothy, 3, and Julie, 6, disappeared without a trace. The vehicle they were last seen in, a 1974 white Ford Maverick 300 Edition with license plate number 636 WNA, is also missing. The circumstances surrounding their disappearance remain a mystery, with no concrete leads pointing to their current location.

The search for the Guthrie family has been ongoing for over 46 years. The team at Adventures With Purpose (AWP) has been dedicated to uncovering the truth behind their mysterious disappearance. This case has left a void in the hearts of many, and AWP is determined to shed light on their whereabouts.

The search began in Katona, New York, where Leslie was last seen picking up her children from their father's home on Grandview Avenue. The conditions on that day were far from ideal, with a massive storm making visibility and road conditions treacherous. The question remains: Did Leslie take the highway or the back roads? Did an accident occur due to the storm, causing their vehicle to veer off into one of the many reservoirs in the area?

In previous searches, various theories and potential leads were explored. The team met with family members, including Jennifer and Stephanie, Leslie's sister, who provided invaluable insights into Leslie's life and habits. Their stories, combined with the search, paint a picture of a mother who loved her children deeply and would never willingly leave them behind.

The team has been tirelessly working, diving into reservoirs, and using advanced equipment to scan the depths in hopes of finding any trace of the Guthrie family. Every discovery, every lead, brings them one step closer to solving this heart-wrenching mystery.

The team urges everyone to join them in this quest for answers. Every share, every word spread, helps bring closure to the Guthrie family. Together, a difference can be made.

For more updates on the search and other missions, follow Adventures With Purpose as they strive to bring peace to families in need.

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